In fact, no one can deny the mobile trend. In the below figure, it shows you the mobile market size which is made at the end 2012.
Mobile market size (through |
Total app downloads. 30 billions downloads for Apple's app (Q2/2012) ( through |
We should divide into 4 sections: resource for beginner, advanced resource, how to make money with iOS app, marketing strategy.
Let's start!
- Beginner
- Mobile tutsplus is the great site for newbie. All of tutorials are step by step clearly. It also focuses on mobile design, mobile marketing strategy.
- Advance resource
- How to make money
- (must review after)
- Design (UI & UX)
- Mobile Usability by Jakob Nielsen. This book is very up-to-date and cover abundance of usability knowledge
- Human Interface Guidelines by Apple (
- Smashing's Documents (
- Brian Fling's slide (
- Marketing Strategy
Thanks for reading!
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